Almost One Year
| Updated: unoverse, websiteThe last couple of weeks I’ve tinkered a little bit with the site and realized that it was almost a year ago I posted something last time.
When I started this site almost 5 years ago I had an idea of me writing a lot and document a lot of things I do, but it never really happened. I still want to do it, but I spend a lot less time with the computer these days.
This site have had more designs than posts and I’ve tried out way too many static site generators and domains over the years. I’m never satisfied and redoing stuff all the time. I’ll do my best to post more stuff in 2025 instead of just redoing everything all the time.
New changes
One point in time I messed up my git repo. I can’t really remember what happened, but that means I have to create a new repo. The sad part is that all the history is gone as well as a fair amount of posts, but hey… It could be worse.
I’ve rebuilt the site from ground up and really like how it starting to look. Simple, minimalistic and easy to maintain but still very flexible and powerful. I’m still using Hugo and probably will keep doing so, but I’ve created a new site and the theme myself.