Less annoying frontends

frontends, privacy

There are a lot of reasons to find alternative frontends for stuff like Reddit, YouTube etc. Some of them is privacy related, other are pure annoyances. I try to do my best to avoid big tech and here are some tips to browse crappy services in a nicer way.

With a open source alternative frontend we can at least strip the ads, scripts and other nasty things like cookies following you around the web. Of course, everything isn’t possible to get around since you’re still using their service on their servers.

Another great part of it being open source is that those services can be selfhosted, which means there are plenty of servers to choose from.


Today I found Teddit. I’ve been using old Reddit since the “new” ugly verison of Reddit released. With Teddit we have the benefit of using Reddit with a nicer layout (like old Reddit) and with no JS at all.

In the repo we can see these features:

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